N Guess whatelse i have spotted?

This is a diary that was given to us to write while we are cadets in OCS.. Had 2 of it but the one for the Cadet Wing Commanders' need to be pass on to the next guy. So this is my personal copy of what goes on in my 10 months of training to be an officer.
Reading it brings back a nostalgic feeling that i couldn't explain. My english command wasn't that good at that point of time as i converse mostly in mandarin. Reading throu' the diary, i couldn't believe that i have actually graduate from sec sch and poly with acceptable grades. God so help me in this. Haha.. Word structure and sentence must have left me to die by myself. But nevertheless, the main idea was the thots and feelings i had during that period of time. It was never completed but the entry i made made me feel good that i was once an OCT of Charlie wing. Many events like live firing and lesson plans hook back the memories i had with all my brothers in arms. These are definitely good and simple time where our sole mission is to survive 10 months training and be a better person for the government and the sociality that we live in.
Wonder if my other brothers will have their books. Wld be interesting to see what were their feelings back then! Haha... (Maggie Mee Parade, Confinement for something we din really do, Taiwan, brunei, social nite, etc... hahaha)
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