Well, alot of things have come and go. Many military personnel die in 2007 like an epic.. Close frens have gone home to the Lord and people around us have moved on with their life. But Its 2008 now and i believe it shall be a good year for all of us..
In juz a few hours, i will be leaving on a jet plane to a new beginning! New environment, New course, New friends and whatever its gona hit me! This gona be 3 years of studies in New Zealand. Thinking abt how it was when i was backed from training last year from Perth. I din take long to decide that i shld go for my studies and settle the necessary stuff. Flown over in Nov to settle the interviews, multiple test and medical checks in Singapore! That was a whole load of things to clear in juz less then 3 months.. "The Fight is On!"
Below ar juz some photos from Dec and early Jan events that happened around me. Will promise to update more consistently when i'm over in Palmy. Keep in town with me on facebook, skype or even msn. With current technology, there are juz too many ways to make the world smaller..
"Si Gong" and one of the kid and mother from Spastic Children.

and this is the beautiful Kyoko who is Uncle Ito's eldest daughter. She is a really high flyer with monthly salary not less then US $30K.. Ani guys wanna date her? Pls be able to match up to her salary and speak fluent Jap and English.
Mt. Fuji is really nice, althou there wasn't ani visible show fall but its still really cold and windy..
These photo was taken at an event that i was helping out at shenton way. we were at the 37th story and the view is juz breath taking.
This is shai, the fren that i was helping with and thats the ladie that we we doing the event for.. looks not to bad eh. The 2 looks like a couple!
This is the event company's boss son birthday thingy that we did.. His name is Xea! Nice name..
Well, IT 1710 now and my flight off is 2100.. Its time to say my last goodbye to Singapore and the wonderful memories i have. Good ones, Bad ones. It doesn`t really matter, what most important is that we can learn something from it and make the rest of our lifes better.. Life is short! If we have to make enemys everyday or regret that decision we made yesterday then we will surely die young.
Keep in touch my frens and whoever is reading this entry! I will be back...
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