New photos updates of the events around!
The sending off of the NFTC guys at changi airport in the early mornin of 11th Aug. Bros, we will miss you guys and fight hard man!
Makan session at NTU with a group of Poly mates! The food are not bought but cooked by of the guys! Well, ani gers wanna marry a guy that can cook pretty well, let me kneo!
From this point on is ALL about paintballing! Went up to JB with the bros to have some sum with paintballing and a clinic by Singapore's very own paintball team, Team RedSeven. They are a group of serious paintballers and building up the sport in Singapore is one of the agender on their list.
The moment before the breakout..
Run and kill my brothers..
Planning for the next match
Shooting behid the air bunkers.. got to get lower else i will be shot at
Where are the targets man!
Covering fire for the teammates
looking for an oppotunity to move up and cover each other's movement
Damn.. I`m shot at pointblank and out i go!
The very beautiful shot done by the other team.. damn it!
The very unfortunate members of the team.

Well guys, this shows that its really been a long time since we have fire movement together and going out for the kill. If we were only OCS out fresh.. damn it.. but it was all fun and no one was seriously hurt or injured in the process. We will surely be playing with more paintballs and whoever is interested in paintballing, do let me kneo or you guys can checkout Team RedSeven at There is also an article on the team in NewsPaper today!
It has been an awesome week and i`m praying for a better week to come with more events and excitement!
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