But first, some pretty expensive buys for the month of August! I believe Aug is the month of spending! Becoz, i have spend close to 2K on items in juz less than 3 weeks.. Damn i really need to earn some hard cash if i ever wanna eat human food again.. i`m going on grass now! hahaha..
First buy was the camera that took my breath away. Panasonic FZ50! for the line up of our nations' birthday, i bought tis camera to take some fantastic pic which was posted in the last few entries. Its not a point and shoot coz i think its time i move on to see what other higher end cameras can give me in terms of photo quality and feel. So far, it has given me a fair bit of photos, soo no complains.. Close to S$1.3k dangz...

Juz got me helmet after i have successfully passed and completed my Ex. High Risk and DRC with BBDC within a short span of close to 4 months. This is surely the beginning of a long term investment. What will be next...

Waiting for the "BlowJob"(the inflating of the airbunkers by the officals) to be done before the match begins.
Waiting for the count down before the running in of the blood to the brain..
Laying a front to surpress the enemys in their bunkers and giving the other teammates a chance to strike!
Waiting for the moment of break!
Break, running and covering fire as we move into the bunkers..
Azlan taking the hit and empire calling him out for the game.. Damn..
Taking break after a few games.. Rest time is really important!
Getting ready with the teammates and planning the routes of advancement.
Lets move according to plan and kill some son of the B***h..
Break and Fire
Taking the front to cover for the team.. Run Run Run
Picture with the Team under the wonderful skyline..
10 secs count down to the moment of truth
Waiting for the chance to run and kill some enemies
Aaron being check for paints after touch down of the flag to symbolise the end of game
Arthur looking sharp for the kill
The moment of a real killer, Azlan
CPT of the team, Ben 'King' reloading his hooper to take on more enemies
Aaron and Jane taking aim and gunning down at their respective lanes
Picture with the team and special guest, Gary, from another team after the whole compition

Well these are some of the fantastic photos from the compition up at KL. Next compition will be coming to the end of the year and lets tryto hit a higher rank and work better. Thank You Team Red Seven for giving me the oppotunity to play in the compition with you guys and learning more abt the sport. Had a wonderful time and Thanx aaron for housing me and bring me around for the fantastic food and drinks.. KL is definately a place that i will want to explore in and lets meet up sometime for a drink again or you shld come down to singapore and let me bring you around.
This is the close of the exciting week.. Next coming event will be the 100 Cars AA Genting drive. Will be going up to Genting with my Parents in this event with AA and 100 Car convoy. Not to my surprise, i will be driver for the event and care taker for my aunty on her kid when she hit the casino with my mom.. Wish me luck man!