Quite abit have happen since the last blog update. Chinese new year happened on the 14th of Feb which is also valentine's day. Auntie Lim went over to Aussie land to celebrate CNY with her family. Lotsa makan session going around and hus visit with Amy's and Paul's baby first month. Merlion club first gather and classes...
Auntie was plan on a trip to Aussie land to celebrate CNY with her family, specially when her brother is there on studies. A wk clear of someone knocking on the door in the morning and waking up suresh to ask him to go run. Point to Note: Aunite dun run, she juz wake suresh up to ask him to go do his run. hahaha.... But other then that, she was kina missed at home, with her gone, the hus became much quieter. hehe..
My chinese new year dinner was with lionel only since the rest of the 2 guys were working and getting busy.. well, at least there was tasty chicken soup from Bean Cafe.. Yummy.. Then the next best thing for chinese new year was going to Amy's place (bean cafe's HQ) for visiting.. Cookies and goodies come pouring out of the containers.. It was my best nite ever with all the chinese cookies which i have been dreaming abt. They can really bake and cook... How i wish i have that kina skill..
Part 2 of chinese new year visit was at Paul's place. He is the mechanic that most of the singaporeans in palmy goes to. Nice guy and his wife is a singaporean. They have a son who was celebrating his first month on earth as well.. lots of makan again. By uncle Patrick from Mana Kitchen. I miss singapore food.. Thanx for having Mana Kitchen...
Classes has been up beating with having classes on most of the morning and chilax in the afternoon. Thereafter, test and exams start pouring in throu' the next few wks.. Never a breaking moment to catch some breather.. Never fail to look forward to flying wk.
Had a couple of full sports day on mid Feb flying wk.. Was nuthing but badminton and soccer.. Those were the days where sweat juz run off my face. haha.. need that to keep running.. Need to to keep running, sports and sweating it out!
Merlion Club first meet up was on last wkend. Not to bad a turn out with most of the ppl covered were seniors. but never the less, always good to meet some friends here and there.. Had a pretty bad wasted nite the nite before. Was fun to start with but not to cool the next day as i strengthen my abs by turning my tummy inside out the whole morning.. drit.. well, haven't got soo wasted since 1 year 7 months ago..
Its been a while since i wrote my blog, better start something before it turn into a monthly affair..