Finally, the end of all crappy piece of A4 thin sheet recycle material! Felt soo good its finally over for the first sem. This really suck coz its been ages since i get on my books and do some serious studing but its juz the begining of my uni life and first year is the most lax.. More to come!
Flight is packed back to back with the bad weather for winter is closing in and taking the enitre air space and time from us! dangz.. Its freezing cold, raining like donkey and monkeys with occation hail stones from above.. thats the weather now in Palmy. Burr~~~
When down to wellington with Cathy to take a walk around on the passed sat. Juz to clear up my mind of the papers and some issue i have here.. Weather in Wellington is slightly better but was pretty crap few days back with airport be closed due to bad weather and Airliners were diverted to other aerodromes. But this day is gods grace..

We were at the harbour anf the wind is actually really really strong..

Ready to jump over before the ECT sets in!

Back home in Palmy, some of the guys from our class have gotten a new place and currently on their way to get the stuff they need to settle in. So, to ease all the troubles away, i invited them to come over to have dinner with use and cook with us!

George, njoying himself with the wholesome food and curry we prepared!

Lionel getting the kick at the curry the guys made. Its not that spicy but its curry which we have not had for a pretty long while. Joe is juz making himself a drink, all bartenders need a glass of something.

Helping ben out with some of the cooking stuff and catching up alit to see how things are going for him.

Having some entrees before the main course! George is really really hungry

Bens' master piece - Nachos and Chilli Beans

Doesn't it look nice! Its really simple to do and nice to have in a party...

Well, eveyone is juz taking a break from all the papers we had and drowning ourselves with good food and company. Joe's mom came over as well and made some really awesome food for us! I din have to cook for 3 whole days and that is really fantastic. A break for awhile at least! haha.. But all good things have to come to an end and i`m back on the duty board to cook and dinner for tonite will be chicken rice! People come and go around the life of guys in 201B milson line.. Few wks back, my junior evan tay came in to palmy for selections into Massey Uni Aviation. Think he had ace the selection and now is to decided whether this is what he really want. Everyone can stick their nose into the pie and make their statements, but at the end of the day, you will be the one to make that statement to say whether the pie is to your liking or not!
Next event i foresee will be my trip down to chirstchurch to visit Fave. Fave, Sharon, is a pretty close friend of my in Poly and she is coming down to chirstchurch to visit her auntie for 3 months i think. Wonder how is she doing.. been ages since i have a chance to talk to you! The trip down south will be an interesting one!