Happie Birthday Reenee..
Party is getting started!
Some of our frens from Dunk Place and of coz the class guys!
Dan Morris (My solo instructor) and Porch
Getting the cake ready~
and there goes the war.. heaps of cleaning up after that but was fine! cake was on everyone faces..
Lionel catching up to cathy to smear some cake on her face.. hahaha...
The love of Msy 50!
Jack getting drunk and lossing all his senses! Aaron and Lionel were trying to get him to tango before he crash to the ground.
Tim and Wan, holding Jack up as we interview him and make him say some silly stuff... Jack is totally wasted!
One of the birthday drinks for the birthday group.. done up buy Joseph Seah..
Last but not least... George getting drunk and wasted! he was dragging everyone on the living room to dance before i caught hold of him and get him to settle down.. man.. you guys really need to kneo your limits.
Well.. These are juz some of the party we have for the Msy 50 before we embark on our study jounery for our exams in June! The heat is up and the wood is not dying off anitime soon!
New update of my flight.. I have passed my S1FE2 which is a Area/Aircraft Handling Test. Not to bad but still got lots of room for improvement. Next will be PPL.. but for the time being all is sweet and going not to bad!
Misses singapore pretty much! The people, the food and of coz family and frens.. Shld be going back end of the year if all goes well and next sem i shld be push for flight soo i can end of early to get back before christmas! hopefully...