Life has been pretty raw and shacky for a long while and lots of uncertainty in my path, but life goes on even if in tough times. So far in my 22 years of my life, lossing my flight and coming back home in complete confusion is my 2nd greatest loass. Life had never been the same after them. Events that have etched their way through in my heart and taken a part of me away!...
Finally confirm a seat in Uni SA for Applied Science on Civil Aviation but gona settle down the adminisative stuff first and a whole load of things before sch starts next year. Dun kneo if this is the course that will give me the push into SIA for future advancement or will other Uni like Massey give a better standing oppotunity. I wonder... hmm, But at least i'm going back to Aussie land for some flying.. Flying will never be the same again, specially in the commercial world!
Meanwhile, had been helping out at my dad's place. Feels soo much like going back to my engineering roots in a major factory. Taking stocks, taking product photos and clearing all the logistic stuff for him. Its in a total mess! So much lost assets and labilities if they are not cleared properly. Remind me of times at Science centre where i was doing my FYP for FRS Competition. All the engineering terms and working by the machine to fix up and develop new tools and items.
Up coming events for now... Will be the gig tonite by The Morning After.
More activities are line up to keep myself busy and getting back my lost youth! Missed soo much of the old days stuff that i question sometimes, what am i chasing for that has taken so much away.
To 132BWC bros, work hard and fly towards the wings of tomorrow. We will one day soar in the sky together! AH-Hoo...
To The Morning After, No matter what happens tonite! We are ALWAYS good frens and great bros in arms. Rock on...
To all my other frens, keep in touch and take care! We shld meet someday for coffee, tea or even wine! hahaha... Anithing that rocks your boat!

These could be my next mask of action...
More photos and updates to come!