Saturday, April 28, 2007
Sunshine after the rain...
A week of judgments and test of personal abilities…
I went from a failed sortie to OC CX thereafter to CO CX within the span of 1 week. Flying with the management is really different, coz they let me have total control of the aircraft. Just like a solo flight. But of coz one screw up and that’s the end of the quiet flight.
Flying with Boss is damn stress as he has this aura all over him. Even ATC controllers and ground crews have to be extremely polite when I punch out my R/T calls under his call sign. Totally outstanding! He is cool and calm throughout the flight even when I was kina struggling with the controls; the fight against the winds. Its one of the best flight I ever had…After the flight I thou’ I was screwed coz he did not say a word all the ways back to the SQN, moreover, I think I made a few dire mistakes here and there in flight. Damn…
But with god’s grace, boss passed me and gave me 2 reviews to get my mistakes sorted out. The next day I was scrambled for my review with one of the oldest DXO in the SQN. They called him the godfather, not because he speak or talks like one Italian mafia, but he really
is like a godfather who really slow down the pace and teach n guide me through my mistakes. Instructors here are not out to fail the students but to help in whatever they can to guide the students to be a professional pilot in the RSAF.
Am just glad to be still in the SQN… Bros and sis back home, whatever the challenge it is we must face it with courage and overcome it. Take care and hope to talk to you guys soon…
Well guys, been having some problem loading photos to me blog soo shall upload then to my friendster acc.. see ya...
Saturday, April 21, 2007
The periods before solo..
The gray period:
A story to tell; There was a journalist who interviewed a pretty successful business man and asked him how come he is so successful in what he does? His ans was two words, “Good Decision”. Then she asked again, how do you make a good decision? His ans was one word, “Experience”. Then how did you gain the experiences? His ans was another two words, “Bad Decision”.
This is the famous 212 story told by my Dy course commander and many of the instructors. In order to be successful in what we do, we got to make good decisions all the time to make it through out daily work. The only way to be able to make such correct decision is by learning through the passed experience and specially those that was made bad. The best way to learn is to learn from our own experience coz we will retain better but how many lives can we spare to learn all the bad decisions. Its surely not easy learning the experience others have and treating it like ours so as not to be in a dire situation that we might not come back alive.
I have been flying everyday for the pass week except Friday as there was a search in flying hours. Will be going for my OC CX on Monday for failing 2 sorties in 10 sorties. Damn... Not getting it right for my circuit work and safety is always the issue. It’s not like going for NASCA circuit but something much more. Being too safe sometimes can hinder the things you want to do. Flying is like driving a manual car, talking on your phone, reading a map and looking out for other drivers all at the same time. Not including the different axis that the aircraft still have. This is the phase of flying solo in a week or two.
Tune in for my next update, if there isn’t any means I might be done for and flying back home. Else, hope I can post up more interesting news for my friends and family members. Meanwhile, stay happy, health and take care always… ~@~
A smile can bring you wonders...
The gray period:
A story to tell; There was a journalist who interviewed a pretty successful business man and asked him how come he is so successful in what he does? His ans was two words, “Good Decision”. Then she asked again, how do you make a good decision? His ans was one word, “Experience”. Then how did you gain the experiences? His ans was another two words, “Bad Decision”.
This is the famous 212 story told by my Dy course commander and many of the instructors. In order to be successful in what we do, we got to make good decisions all the time to make it through out daily work. The only way to be able to make such correct decision is by learning through the passed experience and specially those that was made bad. The best way to learn is to learn from our own experience coz we will retain better but how many lives can we spare to learn all the bad decisions. Its surely not easy learning the experience others have and treating it like ours so as not to be in a dire situation that we might not come back alive.
I have been flying everyday for the pass week except Friday as there was a search in flying hours. Will be going for my OC CX on Monday for failing 2 sorties in 10 sorties. Damn... Not getting it right for my circuit work and safety is always the issue. It’s not like going for NASCA circuit but something much more. Being too safe sometimes can hinder the things you want to do. Flying is like driving a manual car, talking on your phone, reading a map and looking out for other drivers all at the same time. Not including the different axis that the aircraft still have. This is the phase of flying solo in a week or two.
Tune in for my next update, if there isn’t any means I might be done for and flying back home. Else, hope I can post up more interesting news for my friends and family members. Meanwhile, stay happy, health and take care always… ~@~
A smile can bring you wonders...
Sunday, April 15, 2007
The rest that i have been waiting for...
The week had ended with some realization and making it works for me! This week was rather a short week for me as Monday was a holiday and it’s my trip back to Singapore to clear my medical.
I went back to Singapore on the 11th and back to base on the 13th afternoon. It was a pretty rush trip as there was so many things to do for that short period of time. Going back to HQ to setter the administrations and running some errands for the SQN. Meeting up with close frens and family members was fruitful and rewarding as well. Bringing my cute little nephew for dinner and buying sweets, chilling out with my bros and sis at essential brew after a long day and not forgetting quick lunch break with Armtech inc. bros at NTU were just some enjoy of the trip..
Medical review was the priority of my trip back home. To set the record straight, I am having a 6/4.5 vision and am discharge by the VCC medical board totally. Sharp as an Eagle eyes… haha… At least that is what I was told of at the medical center.
Time was really a factor for the trip back. Would love to meet up with all my friends but guess that will have to wait till my BHT and graduation from here. Alternatively, Friends who are looking for a holiday trip to Perth could give me a ring as well. Perth is a pretty nice place and people are rather friendly. Although the shops close really early, there are still many happenings at night if you know where to look…
Back to Base, happy hour was pretty much a sending off event for 5 of the senior course members departing and return to Singapore for their next phase. Hope to see them soon in the future and working with them will surely be interesting.
Was down at Town and Fremantle yesterday to breathe some Aussie air. Pop by Houghton winery to have a quick wine tasting and some breakfast. The wine that I was looking forward to get at the winery will only be available during Christmas period. Damn… Guess I have to make do with the other wines at the sales counter. Fremantle is definitely the nicest port that I have ever visited so far. The ambient and scenic just blew me away. The only way to explain I believe is only by pictures…
To friends, bros and sis; thanx for working out time to meet up on your busy schedule. Really appreciate it very much and hope to come back for my pilot wing conversion. For friends whom I was unable to meet, hope to see you guys soon and all the best in your future endeavors. If you guys ever come over to Perth for holidays, just give me a ring or drop me a mail, will meet you guys up for a drink or two. Cheers…
Pictures will be posted shortly due some problem with the website for pictures.. Stay tune!
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Long Weekend...
“AH-HOO…We will not RETREAT, We will not SURRENDER! That’s the Code of a SPARTAN…”

The week started with the welcoming party for 133 to the SQN. That includes drinking and introduction of individuals to the senior courses. It was pretty much like a tradition that we had to do here. Downing of the beer bottles at every toast is inadvertent! Muahaha… Drinking has become a part of life…
Next stop was at one of the instructor’s place for a gathering. We had some bbq and of course drinking with the instructor is a norm. Beer and Wines are the only drinks we had for the night. Some of the instructor potluck their specialties and I can say, they are really great cooks. If things dun go well for my flying here, opening a food joint would not be much of a problem.
Sat was out for some Tim sum again (couldn’t help it) and highlight for the day was KTV. I surprise at how well some of my cadets can sing and the songs they sang we surely not easy. Sarah came down to join us even though she had only 3 hours of sleep the night before. I will just say there is quite a number of interesting night life here in WA. Later that evening, we went down to Fremantle for dinner and not forgetting drinking at Little Creatures. The beer is really good from the brewery with the environment and company that we had. It just made all the experience more enjoyable and lusting for more! If only everything was in such a manner, then life will be without regrets.
Late at Little Creatures...
bros in arms for the flight out...
Sunday, April 1, 2007
The peace before the Storm...

31st March
This week is a rather shorter week as its coming to the end of the work year and end of the month!
Flight wasn’t good at the start. Learning the hard way out of the situations! Not worth it actually but since the situation has evolve into it then go with the flow and solve the problem. Basically, I had just place myself in a difficult situation that I only can press on and face the problem as it comes! Damn…
Coming weekend was fantastic. Got a chance to pick up the 133 course guys from the airport on Friday when the rest of the SQN went for a match of bowling game. It was the SQN safety day so we had a stand down and direction from Boss was bowling and get ready for the new work year ahead! Seeing the guys exit off the sliding door of the arrival gate does bring back good memories of each individual. It’s like finally meeting up with friends that had not met for a pretty long time. Although, I was the liaison officer for the new guys in the new environment of the SQN, the feeling of it all was awesome!
Weekend itself was yet another wonderful experience! Was up and ready for a memorial service at Kings’ Park for the deceased Australian Air Force personnel that fought in the war. Service was rather short but the presence was felt in our heart. Kings’ Park has one f the best view in the entire Perth.
Photo log will be the best explanation of it all…
SATIS meal of tim sum..
Who wld like the first taste of "little creatures"?